Have the courage to embrace a new challenge, and say yes to discovering something new about yourself.
~Claire McLean
It starts out simple enough—you’re walking, just like any normal day. But this isn’t your average stroll to the coffee shop. This year, after joining the Wild Women team in July, I had the incredible opportunity to embark on the Camino de Santiago Hiking Adventure. Of course, my answer was an immediate yes! Once my travels were confirmed, I found myself wondering what the Camino would mean for me and whether I’d have enough time to prepare physically.
I had just a few weeks before my travels, so I chose to start walking a minimum of 5 km on weekdays whenever possible. Luckily, I live in Ontario near some great hiking trails, so on the weekends, I would select challenging routes with inclines and distances of 10 km or more. My mindset was simple: if I could conquer the tougher trails, then the Camino—known for its more moderate terrain—would feel like a breeze in comparison. And hey, it worked! By the time I hit the Camino, I was feeling strong and ready to tackle the journey.
That said, if you’re thinking about doing this, here’s my advice: start your training earlier than I did. One month was great for getting in the groove, but I wish I had given myself a little more time to build endurance, especially for those long days of consecutive walking. While the Camino isn’t Everest, it’s still no walk in the park—so the more prepared your body is, the easier it’ll be to truly enjoy the experience.
The hardest physical challenge while on the Camino was walking consecutively for seven days at long distances. My suggestion for other women would be to try and give yourself three-ish months to prepare- basically, work your way up to walking up to 20km in a day on moderate-level trails as consecutively as you can. I want to note that on the Camino, there were many opportunities for rest stops along the way, and as a group, we would take about an hour break at lunch to recharge, which was very helpful. We all found our own walking pace but stayed fairly close together on the trail, regrouping as we went at checkpoints. Doing this pilgrimage with a Wild Women Expedition group was the perfect combination of independence and female empowerment.

On the first day of the tour, one of our guides, Raquel, explained during our group meeting that each of us would discover our own Camino purpose. It wasn’t until I walked my own journey that I fully understood what she meant. I learned that it’s essential to keep an open mind and embrace everything the Camino offers in all its forms. Yes, we travelled as a group, but we each took moments to reflect and find our own path to self-discovery. The Camino is a truly unique pilgrimage—one that leaves you feeling enlightened, reflective, and profoundly grateful.
The Camino de Santiago, also known as the St. James Way, is one of many pilgrimage routes—and it holds different meanings for everyone. There’s no “right” reason to take on the Camino, as it’s a deeply personal journey. For some, it’s a spiritual experience; for others, it’s a chance to reconnect with themselves or simply enjoy a beautiful walk in nature. I originally thought it would be a great adventure outdoors and a chance to reflect on my life. However, the Camino has a way of unfolding in ways you might not expect—it’s about the journey meant for you, and often, that journey is shaped by the people you meet along the way. Fellow pilgrims, locals, and even the random farm dog who decides to walk with you for a few miles all add to the experience. By the time you arrive in Santiago, you’re part of a community of wanderers (and wild women!) who have all been transformed in one way or another. And while you may begin the Camino seeking inner peace, you’ll come to realize that true transformation happens when you connect—not just with the world around you, but with yourself.
A few days into our journey, I received news from home that shifted my experience in a profound way. My family shared that my aunt had suddenly passed away. It was incredibly difficult to process the loss without being with my loved ones, but the women in my group—and the Camino itself—offered the support I didn’t even know I needed. The day after I received the news, we visited a church, Iglesia de San Tirso de Palas de Rei. A ceremony was being held where you could write a note to loved ones who had passed. These notes were blessed and delivered spiritually to them. It was an emotional moment, but it couldn’t have come at a better time. From that day on, every church we visited, I lit a candle for my aunt and other family members. It became a ritual of healing, one I hadn’t expected but was deeply grateful for.

Being surrounded by kind-hearted women, immersed in a spiritual journey through nature each day, was the greatest gift I could have asked for.
Being surrounded by kind-hearted women, immersed in a spiritual journey through nature each day, was the greatest gift I could have asked for. Every woman in our group found her own special connection to the Camino, and it became clear just how powerful this journey was for all of us when we took those final steps into the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral Square. We hugged one another, and in that raw, beautiful moment, we shared a deep sense of appreciation and love. Tears of happiness, gratitude, and reflection filled our faces. It’s a memory I will never forget—and one I will always treasure.