Enjoy Peace of Mind
Just like packing both a raincoat and sunglasses when we travel, we need to be prepared for anything! Travel insurance covers you for the unexpected, it eases stressful situations and, although it’s the type of purchase you hope you never have to use, if the unexpected arises you will be so glad you have it. Here, we will outline our minimum requirements and some suggestions to be fully covered.
Purchasing the trip of a lifetime is an investment, and like any investment it should be protected. The unexpected can happen: from a global pandemic to a twisted ankle affecting your ability to hike, to a change in employment status, to a partner’s health concern. Reasons to cancel or change your trip can come up unexpectedly. So please take a moment to review the insurance options below and make sure you are fully covered before you leave home.
What is travel insurance?
Travel insurance typically refers to four types of coverage that you can buy individually or all together in what is often called comprehensive insurance.
- Emergency Medical: covers costs for emergency treatment, ambulance, medical evacuation, paramedic and hospital services, bringing someone to your bedside, etc.
- Trip Cancellation: covers costs incurred if you need to cancel your trip before you leave home
- Trip Interruption: covers costs incurred because of delays or interruptions once you have started on your journey (flight delays, weather delays, missed connections, etc.)
- Baggage and personal effects (if your checked baggage is delayed and you need necessities, or if your camera is stolen or damaged you’ll be covered)
Some insurance providers offer:
Cancel For Any Reason Coverage: as the name implies, this allows you to cancel for more reasons than traditional cancellation coverage (e.g. your dog is sick, you are called to work, you don’t feel comfortable traveling or you change your mind). In most cases Cancel For Any Reason will cover up to 50% of trip costs. -
When should I buy travel insurance?
Every plan has different requirements, but in order to maximize coverage and be eligible for cancellation insurance, you typically need to purchase insurance within 21 days after you pay for any portion of your trip.
Your cancellation coverage will start from the time you purchase your policy. The best rule of thumb is to buy insurance as soon as you have made a payment on your trip.
What does Wild Women Expeditions require?
We require you to have a minimum of $200,000 USD medical coverage, including evacuation and repatriation coverage, personal injury and all forms of medical expense.
Arctic Ship trips – Adventure Canada
All passengers on Adventure Canada expeditions must have emergency medical and emergency medical evacuation insurance with a minimum of $500,000 USD coverage per person. Please note that this is a suggested minimum, and that actual medical and evacuation costs may exceed this amount. It is the responsibility of the traveller to review their policy details and to ensure that their coverage meets Adventure Canada’s requirements.Antarctica Ship trips – Quark Expeditions
Emergency Evacuation insurance is included for Quark passengers, and is purchased on your behalf through Repoint. The Emergency Evacuation Benefit maximum of up to $500,000 per paying passenger provides coverage while traveling with Quark between the first and last day of ship-based travel. Additional days of travel pre- and post-expedition are not covered. We require a minimum of $200,000 USD medical coverage for the duration of your trip.While emergency medical and evacuation is our bare minimum requirement, we strongly recommended the coverage be extended to include cancellation, interruption and baggage and personal effects coverage.
What does Wild Women Expeditions suggest?
While emergency medical and evacuation is our bare minimum requirement, we strongly recommended the coverage be extended to include cancellation, interruption and baggage and personal effects coverage.
Why do I need insurance?
Because we are Wild, not reckless. Not having appropriate insurance will cost a lot more in the event you need it, and you’ll wish you had it! We don’t want you to have any regrets.
There are various reasons we (and all tour companies) have a minimum expectation of insurance. First and foremost, for your protection; we care about you, your enjoyment and your safety! Insurance covers you for things unforeseen or unexpected—you’re planning your dream trip, and we would hate for that to be disrupted by an emergency.
This includes coverage for a medical emergency and evacuation, if you need to cancel before you leave (cancellation insurance) or come home early because of an emergency (interruption). Most providers offer a comprehensive package that may include baggage and personal effects as well.
Insurance companies specializing in travel will often cover you upfront for any medical emergencies in destination, should anything happen while you’re on your adventure.
For exact details on coverage reasons, please refer to the exact policy that you will be purchasing.
Do I need travel insurance when traveling within my own country?
In a word, yes.
Outside of your province/state of residence, you need to ensure that you have proper coverage. For example, if you’re traveling from Ontario to British Columbia, your OHIP (Ontario Health) coverage doesn’t cover everything it does in your home province. Which is where travel insurance comes in. The same thing goes for interstate travel: from New York to California, it is suggested you ensure you have proper coverage for departing your home state.
Cancellation and Interruption coverage for traveling in your home country is very important too. Like a good girl scout, always be prepared!
What is trip cancellation and what does it cover?
Trip cancellation coverage covers you for unforeseen and unexpected events that arise PRIOR to departure. From the time you purchase your insurance to the moment you leave for the airport, you’re covered under Trip Cancellation. Every insurance policy is different, so it’s crucial to read through the coverage that you’re purchasing. However, most Trip Cancellation packages will cover you for anything that comes up that IS NOT pre-existing. For instance, if you fall and break your leg two weeks before departure, you’re covered. If you lose your job a month before departure, you’re covered, and so on. That being said, please contact your specific insurance company for specifics as every package is different.
Trip Cancellation packages often include Interruption Insurance as well. Interruptions can consist of delays en route to the airport, aircraft delays causing a missed connection due to weather and mechanical reasons and early return home due to a family emergency or your personal sickness.
Do I need to complete a medical questionnaire?
Every insurance company is different in terms of requirements. If you are over 60 years old, you should expect to fill out a medical questionnaire prior to purchasing a policy.
If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you must disclose this to the insurance company before purchasing. Without disclosing this information, your insurance could be void and any claims denied. If you do have a medical condition, disclosing this can help the insurance company give you a top-up on coverage to ensure this is properly protected (this can cost more, but will properly insure your coverage).
How does a government-issued travel advisory affect travel coverage?
If there is a government advisory against travel at the time you are purchasing your insurance, you will not be covered for cancellation or interruption for anything to do with that advisory. Likewise, if there is an advisory for a specific region and you decide to travel there with that knowledge, you will not be covered in that region.
However, if there is no travel advisory at time of booking and insurance purchase, and then the level of advisory is added (or increased) to “Avoid Non-Essential Travel” or “Avoid All Travel,” that is a covered reason for cancellation depending on the policy you purchase. This is another reason why it is best to purchase your cancellation insurance early, so anything that arises is covered.
How do I know which travel protection plan to buy?
This is a personal decision; however, we will always suggest purchasing the most comprehensive coverage. An All-Inclusive Insurance package will cover you for Medical, Cancellation, Interruption, Trip Accident, Baggage and Personal belongings.
Our partners at Now Boarding Travel can advise and help find the right policy for you. Please email wildwomen@nowboarding.travel
If I cancel my trip, do I get my money back?
In a word, yes. If you need to cancel your trip due to an insurable reason, you can file a claim for a full refund. First you need to go to the airline and Tour Company (that’s us!) to see what, if any, of your payment is refundable. That will depend on how close to departure you need to cancel (our policies can be found here). Then the non-refundable portion can be claimed through insurance. And the same goes for your airline ticket, part of it may be refundable and the rest you can file a claim for.
If I change my travel plans, is insurance changeable?
As long as you are changing your plans prior to your original departure and have not made any claims, then yes.
If I have a pre-existing medical condition, can I still purchase travel protection?
Short answer: yes! However, you will need to disclose your pre-existing condition to the insurance company. They will likely ask for a medical questionnaire to be completed and offer a Medically Underwritten Plan to ensure that you are covered for anything pre-existing. Be sure to read your policy carefully.
How do I file a claim?
It is best to contact your insurance company as soon as possible if anything unexpected comes up. They will open a claim, give you a claim number and give you information on next steps.
The insurance provider will give you a phone number and a number to call collect from international destinations.
We will ask for your insurance contact information in your Travel Details Form, in case we need to contact the insurance company on your behalf.
What is “Cancel for Any Reason” Insurance?
Some insurance providers offer a plan called “Cancel for Any Reason.” With most cancellation policies you can only make a claim if you are canceling due to an insurable reason (ie. medical, fire, accident, etc). With “Cancel For Any Reason,” you don’t need to have a reason. Changing your mind is reason enough!
Just be aware most “Cancel For Any Reason” policies will cover you for 50–75% of your non-refundable portion and will still need to be made 14 days prior to departure.
Talk to your insurance provider for more details.
What if my trip is more than 12 months away?
With most insurance providers you can purchase travel insurance up to 18 months before departure.
What is the approximate cost?
While many things can affect the cost, the general rule of thumb is that an all-inclusive package will cost approximately 5–10% of the cost of your trip. (Age above 60, pre-existing conditions, etc., can increase this cost.)
If I can’t get insurance to fit my timeline, what happens to my trip?
Nothing, you will be booked as normal! It is suggested you do not purchase additional items (flights, etc.) until insurance is available to be booked; we also suggest you add on your insurance the moment it is available to book!
If I am over the age of 60, what does that mean for my insurance?
Likely only that you will have to fill out a medical questionnaire. Depending on the outcome, the price could be higher than for those under 60.
I have coverage with my credit card; is that sufficient?
Travel Insurance through credit cards can vary a lot. Sometimes they cover cancellation, sometimes they cover medical but with a maximum trip duration. So please do your due diligence and read your policy and/or talk to your credit card provider.
What we will need to see is the minimum coverage of $200,000 USD for medical and evacuation coverage. ($500,000 for a small ship trip)
How do I book my insurance?
Wild Women Expeditions is not licensed to sell travel insurance, but we have partnered with these trusted sources to provide for your coverage needs. If you are traveling outside of your country or province of residence, having Travel Medical Insurance is compulsory and must include the following:
- Transport to the nearest, appropriate medical facility in the event of injury
- Helicopter evacuation/air ambulance, etc. as well as medical repatriation to your home country for further treatment
- Emergency overseas medical treatment, including treatment in a clinic or hospital, plus medicines as prescribed by your treating doctor
- Emergency Medical and Evacuation Insurance Coverage for at least $200,000 USD is required (note: small-ship expeditions requires a minimum of $500,000 USD per person Emergency Medical and Evacuation Insurance)
United States Residents

Ripcord will cover your unexpected emergency medical expenses and more wherever you travel with a travel insurance plan from Ripcord.
Coverage may include:
- Trip Cancellation and Interruption
- Emergency Medical and Dental
- 24-hour Assistance Services
- Baggage Loss, Damage and Delay
- Travel and Flight Accident